So do we. Oblack is that black spot impossible to ignore. In it coexist the misunderstood, the misfits, those who are themselves despite what others say. We don't like imposed rules, being told how to act, how to dress, how to live, what to believe in...we think freely. We are rebels by nature, the established society considers us weird, black sheep, we consider ourselves the voice of change.

We seek excellence in everything we do because we believe you deserve the best. When designing products we are inspired by current fashion trends, we give them a unique and different touch so you can combine them with your favorite clothes.
Our way of thinking is shown in Oblack caps. Unique and different designs of the best quality for everyone, as well as in the conscious treatment we give to people and the message we share. There is no evolution without revolution.

Oblack è molto più di un marchio di cappelli: il nostro obiettivo è anche quello di incoraggiare la comunità a mettere in discussione tutto e a trovare la propria strada.